Head Trainer
Dalman Show Jumping
From the time she was 3 years old, international show jumper and USHJA Certified Trainer Sandra Dalman knew she wanted to work with horses. It's that unwavering passion for both the animal and the sport that has carried her to success at the top levels of the industry.
Sandra has held a regular presence on the show circuit from a young age, working her way up from ponies through the junior hunters, national equitation classes, and junior jumpers. She taught her first riding lessons when she was 16, and by the time she was 18, she was already competing in grand prix competition.
Continuing her riding endeavors in college, Sandra was both captain and president of Indiana University's IHSA Equestrian Team. After graduating from IU with a degree in non-profit management, she spent a period working in retail marketing and property management before starting Dalman Show Jumping. She continues to use the experience, skills, and business acumen gained from her many leadership roles as she runs her own operation out of Lexington, KY, and Wellington, FL.
Sandra's versatility sets her apart in the industry, as she has earned top accolades in everything from FEI Grand Prix events to young jumper championships, USHJA International Hunter Derbies, and beyond. Exceptionally intuitive and hands on with her horses, she loves nothing more than logging training hours and improving the horses with which she works.​
With a lengthy record of results and accomplishments, Sandra's competitiveness and ambitions continue to drive her, as she pursues the highest levels of show jumping and representing her country on the world stage.
Successfully running Dalman Show Jumping with a strong support team, Sandra is aways open to exploring new opportunities and potential partnerships within the industry. To learn more, contact her here.