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Strength in Numbers: Dalman Show Jumping Adds Quality & Quantity with Impressive New String in 2021

Catie Staszak

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

Kilimanjaro (2016 Quasimodo vd Molendreef—Faletta, by Carosso VDL) is one of six exciting prospects to join Dalman Show Jumping in 2021. Photo by Kathy Russell Photography

Dalman Show Jumping takes on the 2021 show season with a distinctive group of new faces—at least, when it comes to horsepower.

Following a highly successful 2020 in which Sandra Dalman took on the international ranks with longtime mount Carlimbo Z, Dalman, known throughout the industry for her sales acumen, made a conscious decision to reinvest in her own string. The result is an impressive selection of eye-catching prospects for high performance sport, almost all of which were imported in the final two months of 2020.

There is a phrase that says strength is in numbers, but while this group may be the largest selection of elite prospects Dalman has had to date, the group's quality far exceeds its quantity.

"We curated a really nice group of horses to develop for top sport," Dalman said. "In selling [Carlimbo Z], I wanted to be able to reinvest in the future and build a string of top mounts. I always sell a lot of horses, often for others who seek me out for the service, but I want to own a string and buy and sell more of my own horses. I will certainly develop this group, but they will also be for sale along the way."

Elite Girl (2014 Elvis ter Putte—Stutbuch)Photo by Kathy Russell Photography

Elite Girl (Elvis ter Putte—Stutbuch) stamped herself with the Dalman brand with her striking grey color, reminiscent of some of Dalman Show Jumping's most successful performers, A-Frieda-O and Derina. The coming 7-year-old boasts a strong record in the 6-year-old division in 2020 and shows promise for more with her quality canter and standout jumping style.

"She is for sure a Grand Prix prospect," Dalman said. "She's very athletic and scopey, and she always jumps a 10. She's just a very, very nice horse with great style. Plus, she's absolutely beautiful and sweet. I could canter her all day long!"

Kilimanjaro (2016 Quasimodo vd Molendreef—Faletta, by Carosso VDL) Photo by Kathy Russell Photography

Kilimanjaro (2016 Quasimodo vd Molendreef—Faletta, by Carosso VDL) enters her 6-year-old year in 2021. A tremendous prospect, this classy mare was brought up in a hands-on, loving environment, having been exclusively ridden by her breeders prior to joining Dalman's string.

"She's exceptionally brave but also never touches a fence," Dalman said. "She has great style and super canter; she'd make a lovely horse for anyone to ride."

Iowa (2013 Cornet Obolensky—Delia W, by Quidam de Revel)Photo by Kathy Russell Photography

Entering his 8-year-old year, Iowa (Cornet Obolensky—Delia W, by Quidam de Revel) jumps off the page with his exceptional pedigree, with blockbuster sires on both sides of his family tree. Having competed up to 1.35m, the striking gelding appears to be showing all the qualities for a future in high performance sport.

"I'm very excited about Iowa. He's my kind of ride," Dalman expressed. "He's very light, with great blood, and he's very brave. He has presence and personality: We call him 'Fluff' in the barn, because he's got quite the mane! I hope to be able to introduce him to the FEI two-star level this year."

Flyboy (2010 Gelha's VDL Emilion—Labelle, by Lux Z Z)Photo by SportFot.

The veteran of the group is Turnabout Farm's Flyboy (2010 Gelha's VDL Emilion—Labelle, by Lux Z Z), who was sent to Dalman Show Jumping to find his next rider. The 11-year-old gelding, campaigned up to the FEI 1.45m level by Canada's Erynn Ballard, is a half-sibling to Corner Pocket Z (Cornet Obolensky), another rising Grand Prix mount for Ballard, and also boasts miles in the junior/amateur-owner ranks.

"Flyboy is a sweetheart with a good work ethic that always aim to please," Dalman said. "He knows his job well and will be a great partner for an aspiring rider."

TC Titan (2013 Sheraton—Oklahoma)

Dalman Show Jumping scouted two exciting mounts for the Chenoweth family's Triple C Equine, LLC, among them the 2013 gelding TC Titan (Sheraton—Oklahoma). Maddie Chenoweth will compete TC Titan in the Amateur-Owner jumper ranks this winter while also offering him for sale.

"He's an easy-going Junior/Amateur-Owner horse," Dalman said. "He's very sweet, safe and simple, and he could double in the equitation."

TC Arc en Ciel (2016 Adorado—Bentley vd Heffinck)

Chenoweth will develop the exciting TC Arc en Ciel (Adorado—Bentley vd Heffinck) with a long-term eye toward top sport. The pair will contest the 5-year-old jumper division this season at WEF.

"He's an exciting horse for the future," Dalman said. "He has so much quality. He's well-behaved, with perfect balance and scope."

For Dalman, assembling this group was a task that was not taken likely, adhering to stringent standards in her search for top talent. Dalman will tell you, the process brings great reward, but it also reinforces her business's brand. As her team begins its 2021 show season, she's filled with excitement at the journey ahead as her mounts work toward fulfilling their immense promise.

"When I look for horses, I truly hand pick them and dig through the details with a fine-toothed comb. The horses have to fit the brand of Dalman Show Jumping," Dalman said. "I compare it to a collection of a high quality brand, like Chanel, where all of the handbags meet the same high standards, just in different variations. I view this as our 2021 collection to start off the year, and I'm really excited about the group of horses we have."

For more information on Dalman Show Jumping's top prospects, contact Sandra Dalman.

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